Unmatched brilliance radiating from its increased number of facets and complex patterning make the Swarovski 6228 XILION Heart Pendant a remarkable component that will work across a variety of designs. Use the classic shape and perfect geometry to create harmonious designs in a great variety of sizes, colors, and effects. Use the Swarovski 6228 XILION Heart Pendant as an eye-catching centerpiece to make romantic pieces dazzle as much as sleek designs. Like all pendants, its hole features rounded edges that facilitate many application possibilities, protect the thread from wear, and increase the longevity of the piece.
Swarovski 6228 XILION Heart Pendants are made of lead-free ADVANCED CRYSTAL by Swarovski.
This item is In Regular Production. The net weight of 1 piece is approximately 10.31 gram and one factory package of 16 pieces is about 100 gram. This product is available in 16 Pieces (Factory Pack), 8 Pieces (Value Pack), 4 Pieces (Retail Pack) and 1 Piece (Sample Pack). Mix & Match discount is available for multiple quantity of Retail packages.